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Life is the art of meeting

A little history ...
The notion of “wine château” did not appear in the Bordeaux vineyard until late, around the middle of the 19th century.

In the 19th century, the small wine-growing hamlet of La Grave was originally made up of a mansion and various farm buildings, land, vines, meadows and woods. The Château de La Grave was built between 1860 and 1868 by Mr Sully Rambaud, a Bordeaux merchant, with a tower, turrets and roof with slender and animated shapes giving it a unique neo-Gothic and neo-Renaissance appearance.
Constant Bassereau acquired the property in 1910.



Producing better and respecting natural balances is our pride.

Biodynamics considers the Earth as a “Whole”, as a living being that evolves and ages naturally. Unfortunately, it is even more weakened by certain human activities (chemical, radioactive, electro-magnetic, genetic pollution, etc.), making it necessary and urgent to implement methods to revive and heal this “All”. Organic and biodynamic agriculture provides perspectives to these challenges for the future by promoting the vitality of crops and life processes within the wine estate.

All these practices have a common goal: to create a link between the soil, the plant and the animal world, to restore the unity of ecosystems and to stimulate exchanges between the different levels (from the microscopic life of the soil to planetary influences, in particular passing through the intermediate levels which are the plot, the farm with its landscapes, the territory with its social and economic exchanges.







Eco-paturage: Retour des moutons et chevaux
dans les vignes

 Fabrication de cornes de bouse maison

 Semis de couverts végétaux

 Dynamisation Silice de corne

Préservation de la biodiversité

Respect de la faune sauvage













- 38 ha for the production of red wine: Merlot - Cabernet Sauvignon - Malbec

- 7 ha for the production of white wine: Semillon - Colombard - Chenin 

The region of the "Côtes de Bourg" has a specific microclimate instilled by the Gironde estuary, significant thermal buffer compared to Bordeaux climate: solar radiation higher than about 10%, less extreme temperatures of 1 to 2 °C, less rain between -10 and -25% depending on the year.

It mainly made up of a limestone base up to 20m thick and covered with a thick clay coat which varies according to the hills. On the heights, we find deposits of characteristic red gravel coming from the central massif (brought by the river to the Pliocene).Our vineyard is planted on soils mostly made up of limestone and clay bringing freshness and drainage. It is a little greasy land mixing clay and its freshness to the filtering properties of limestone with a good resistance to drought. Soils that are perfectly suited to Merlot.This rich soil gives to our wines a lot of character, a good acidity, freshness, both well marked and elegant tannins, spicy and peppery notes in the nose and palate.


Our cellar is equipped with thermoregulated traditional concrete tanks of different capacity and more recent stainless steel ones.

The maceration time is variable (from 2 to 3 weeks) for red wines according to the vintages for a qualitative and balanced extraction of the fruitiness, tannins and color. For white and rosé wines, the alcoholic fermentation takes place in barrels or Dolia jars depending on the wines.

The aging of our red wines takes place mainly in Bordeaux barrels (225 liters) and in wooden casks (5000 liters). Each wine will benefit from a personalized aging depending on the aging time and the age of the barrels.

Fining of wines in vats and light filtration at the bottling in order to preserve all the organoleptic qualities.

Bottling of all production at the Property by us.
Choice of qualitative natural corks (origin: Portugal) in order to keep our red wines in the cellar over 20 years.












"There is more philosophy in a bottle of wine than in all books." Louis Pasteur

In the wine world, it has always opposed the "Grands Crus" and "Petits Crus", the renowned regions and other less known, Bordeaux and Burgundy, the right bank and left bank, French wines and those from the new world, large and small estates, organic and not organic wines… And if wine was not that!

If we forgot a little, originally the name, varietals, vintage ... And if the wine was a reflection of the soul of the winemaker rather than the context that surrounds it. Wine cannot be tasted, it is lived and everyone will feel it in their own way.

Therefore, we would like to talk about our wines otherwise... Wines that we want accessible, frank and honest, wines that reflect our passion and commitment. Our wines are full of finesse and delicacy which does not attack but soothes the soul, full of character, typed ... wines in our image.

We are not perfect, neither the strongest nor the best, but we are both demanding and generous, workers and "good living", dreamers and enterprising, passionate and philosophers, courageous and pacifists, respectful and thoughtful and above all happy and in love.

Each year, in the best possible way, facing the climate and with our terroir, we produce wines that are never the same but always  qualitative: this is what we call a vintage.
All red wines show the predominance of the Merlot grape but each wine brings its variety of unique tastes and flavors supported by a well-balanced tannic structure and a nice freshness.
Our production is also a source of discovery through our singular white and rosé wines and our ephemeral cuvées, unique and original wines that offer great food and wine pairings, easy and accessible to all.

our wines


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